Thursday, December 15, 2011

In the Kitchen with Bebb, Part One

Happy Thursday, everyone, and welcome to another (semi) regular feature here at Bebb and the Bubs. I love to cook and am looking forwards to sharing new recipes and old favourites with you. Unlike At the Movies with Bebb on Wednesdays and Bookworm Time with Bebb on Saturdays, In the Kitchen with Bebb won't occur on a set day...just whenever I feel like sharing some cooking with you! The header is temporary- I couldn't find a cooking photo and I figured I am holding a glass, which is kitchenware, which is near enough. And the 1940's hair and makeup fits cooked in the 1940's too you know. Ha! I've got it! Rice Krispies Treats were invented in 1941 (thanks Mr Google) and my recipe today features Rice Bubbles, which are Rice Krispies to us Aussies. See, the photo fits in after all...

So today I made some Christmas treats for my friends and co-workers. They are...

White Crackle Snowballs

-250g packet of marshmallows
-75g of unsalted butter, softened
-4 cups of Rice Bubbles/Krispies/Puffs
-2 cups dessicated coconut
-2 tablespoons of silver cauchous (or go crazy like I did with silver and blue)

Mix coconut and cauchous in a shallow bowl.

Heat a large saucepan of water until it is simmering. Place marshmallows and butter in a heatproof bowl and sit over water.

Stir butter and marshmallows until melted and smooth. Now, the recipe I found called for white marshmallows, but I already had a packet of pink and white in the pantry so I went for it.

Remove bowl from heat and pour Rice Bubbles into marshmallow mixture. Stir to combine.

Eat some of the mixture. (Oh come on. You know I did it, and I know you will, too. Let's not fool ourselves).

With wet hands, take a teaspoon of the mixture, roll into a ball, and roll in coconut and cachous mix. Place on a tray lined with baking paper. Re-wet hands each time. I found it easiest to have a bowl of water there to dip my hands in.

Refrigerate, covered, for an hour. Once set keep them in the fridge for up to a week.

Voila! Very simple and yummy. I bagged them up to give some of my colleagues on Monday and have an extra bag for...well, myself.

Let me know if you have made any festive treats lately- I always love new recipes!

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